FREE SHIPPING and DELIVERY on all orders!


a grid of images showing why I bake

Hi there! I'm Lauren, the baker behind the fresh baked cookies and other goodies here at Mamalou Bakeshop. I bake and eat yummy treats just about every day and I'm super excited to share that love and deliciousness with you and someone you love! Feel free to email me ( with any questions, requests, and thoughts you have regarding all things delicious.

silly baker making lots of different faces

Mamalou Bakeshop is a super duper small batch bakery style kind of business. That means that when you place your order I will be the one receiving the notification that cookies need to be baked (or other goodies if you're a lucky Corvallis resident). I will also be the one going to the store and gathering ingredients, packing supplies, etc. for your order. AND, I will be the one preparing, baking, cooling (and not eating, I promise), packaging, and locally delivering or shipping those yummy treats.

So, that's what I mean when I say super duper small batch. There are no goodies that have been baked yet - unless you mean the ones I'm going to eat today.